Sunday, May 22, 2011

Predicted age of onset

A study was conducted in 2007 by Daniel Waschbusch examining the typical age of onset of ADHD in diagnosed individuals. This study also looked  to pinpoint the certain factors that may influence this.

What was found was that depending on the type of ADHD, different ages of onset typically occur. These types consist of the predominantly inattentive type, the hyperactive/impulsive type, and the combination of both. Those who had the combination (hyperactive/impulsive and inattentive type) had shown hyperactive and impulsive tendencies at an earlier age than their inattentive characteristics.

This is often times easier to recognize because hyperactive and impulsive actions or behaviors are typically more noticeable than inattentiveness. For example, it may be easier to recognize your child's excessive hyperactivity than say their inability to concentrate during a typical conversation.

Some factors were found to have an influence on the age at which characteristics are recognized:

  • Child-parent relationships: This may not necessarily cause the onset of noticeable characteristics to occur later, but it does affect when they get noticed. This seems to me very understandable. If a parent has a poor relationship or connection with their child, the psychological and behavioral characteristics of ADHD may go unrecognized for a longer period of time. 
  • Unhealthy home environment: Like I mentioned in a previous post, stress and difficulties at home may enhance  ones hyperactivity or impulsive nature. A positive environment may influence your child to have better coping skills when it comes to other social environments, like school.
  1. Try and recognize the dominant characteristics of your child. If any behaviors seem like more than a stage, seek other perspectives like a doctor or teacher.
  2. The earlier the identification, the earlier you can seek help and develop a specific learning plan for your child.
  3. Try to keep home stress at a minimum, it'll ease not only your stress, but it will not enhance the negative behaviors induced by ADHD in your child.

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