Sunday, May 22, 2011

Barkley's Model of ADHD

 Last year I remember learning about Barkley's Model of ADHD
 Here he analyzes the psychological and behavioral characteristics of ADHD. 

His model is broken down into four main parts that are all connected to what is called behavior inhibition:
  1. Working memory
  2. Internalization of speech
  3. Self-regulation
  4. Reconstitution
In everyday terms:

Working memory: This could be anything from impairments in short term memory, difficulty keeping tasks in mind, time-awareness or management.
Internalization of speech: Here is where most people will have the capability to effectively problem solve, have an inner voice and moral reasoning. Often times, those with ADHD have impaired abilities in these everyday actions.
Self-regulation: Those diagnosed with ADHD lack in persistent goal-directed behavior. It is often difficult for these individuals to keep motivated when it comes to working towards a goal.
Reconstitution: This relates to the difficulty with verbal and behavioral analyzing. These individuals have a hard time justifying their behaviors.


  • Understand that there is an array of symptoms that may cause your child to act or behave a certain way.
  • Try to learn how your child learns best and use the rule of reinforcement!
  • Try to form a structural/positive environment.

Dr. Russel Barkley is a well known ADHD expert, I inserted a link below that will send you to his official website, there is alot of great insight here!

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