Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Video Series: Possibly a new outlook?

At 3:50 the doctor begins to discuss parents tendencies to be hesitant towards having their child evaluated. If your child is showing signs of possible ADHD characteristics, it is ok to be scared or nervous. However, you must realize the potential psychological, behavioral and physical side effects that come along with being undiagnosed. Undiagnosed ultimately means untreated. The negative side effects that come along with not being recognized and treated are far worse than that shameful feeling of having your child being ostracized at school for his disorder. Certain side effects of living with the symptoms of ADHD undiagnosed could be:

  • Self Esteem Issues ( not being able to justify your actions, feeling you have no control)
  • Poor grades
  • Difficulty maintaining relationships
  • Rebelling actions and behaviors
  • Substance abuse
Think of the over all well being for not only you, but your child. Ultimately getting your child evaluated is not to embarrass or feel that they are not 'normal'. You are here to help them live the healthiest, happiest lifestyle you know you can provide. A doctor evaluation is only one step in the process for diagnosing and individual with ADHD so do not feel that this analysis is the only judgement. There are also teacher/parent evaluations and behavioral checklists.

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