Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lack of leisure?

Engel-Yeger and company performed an experiment in 2011 to examine the relationship between sensory processing difficulties and the child's preference for leisurely activities. They examined the children's activities based on the type of ADHD the child was diagnosed with (Inattentive, Hyperactive, Combination). So for all you parents out there, could certain characteristics caused by ADHD symptoms influence your child's interest for activity?

Well, although there are similar characteristics of ADHD prevailing in most diagnosed individuals, different children process symptoms in regards to the type of ADHD they have. In particular, the study focussed primarily on the sensory processing inabilities which is quite customary of diagnosed individuals but differs amongst the type of ADHD. What was found was that regardless of the type of ADHD the children had, they showed significantly lower preference to participate in leisurely activities compared to their 'normally developing' controls.

This came as a surprise to me, I would assume that due to the hyperactive nature that comes along with certain types of ADHD (combined and primarily hyperactive) activity would be increased. Well, the study focussed mainly on leisurely activity in those with sensory processing deficits. So, parents, no need to worry that your child simply does not want to participate in specific activities, its more about getting them to enjoy activities that pertain to their unique style.

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